Do you know if installing solar panels in 2022 is a good option? Have you seen how much you pay for electricity? Maybe you should take a look at energy costs around the world. Things are far from better. They could even get worse.
In countries from European Union, the escalation of prices has reached historical levels. Countries seek emerging measures with few results. And on this side, things are no different. Have you seen your electric bill this month? Well, saving in your pocket is one of the reasons why you could seriously think about solar panels.
It is regardless of whether you have a small business, company, or home. If you want to know other reasons to install these systems, we invite you to continue reading.
How much do you save by installing solar panels in 2022?
Among the most important reasons to install solar panels in 2022 are the economic ones. People save on their electricity bills by using technology that converts sunlight into energy. At the same time, they meet the energy demand of their homes or industries.
Studies show that those who already use the panels, pay up to 70% less for the electricity they consume. In some cases more. If they are in a warm region, with more sunlight, they achieve more savings than in a cold area.
In addition, its use reduces dependence on companies that provide electricity supply services. With this, you avoid paying fees that some cases are excessive or too volatile.
The panels are also cost-effective and self-sufficient. One of the main factors that have prevented them from becoming popular is the installation costs. However, as demand has increased, these costs have decreased by about 75%. Plus, the initial investment is recovered in an average of seven years, while these technologies have a useful period of almost twenty-five years.
Environment Benefits
Other benefits of installing solar panels in 2022 are environmental. The United Nations (UN) establishes that solar energy is a proper option to face climate change. It is also an alternative to reduce carbon emissions.
Even technologies such as those used in these systems could provide more than 30% of the energy supply by 2040. It is according to the same international organization. Not only that, but solar energy has these advantages:
- Does not release toxic emissions into the atmosphere.
- Your carbon footprint is minimal.
- Does not harm life quality or the environment.
Another advantage is that it represents an economical solution to bring energy to areas that are far from the electrical infrastructure. In rural regions or new towns, they are a functional and sustainable alternative.
They require very little maintenance
In addition to generating savings once installed, solar panels do not imply major maintenance costs. They require general cleaning twice a year.
As if that were not enough, now various specialized companies carry out installations very quickly and easily. They only need a day or two to get the system up and running. Of course, they require considerable space due to the dimensions of these structures.
Another issue is that installing solar panels in 2022 raises the capital gains of real estate. Studies indicate that a median home increases in value by between $360,000 and $591,000 just for having a panel. It is one of the best investments you can make while you decide whether to keep the house or sell it.
There are other benefits associated with the panels. Among them, are the jobs generated by corporations dedicated to manufacturing, advice, and systems operations. The more demand there is, the more labor and specialists they will need.
State Benefits
In emerging economies, such as those in Latin America, they would also have a favorable social and economic impact. Research indicates that solar panels would produce annual savings of more than $100,000 for consumers.
It is because for every peso invested there would be a net profit of $18.42. In addition, you can obtain this benefit without having to spend more resources than those associated with the installation cost.
For governments, it would also be cheaper to produce this type of energy. It would no longer depend on the scenarios presented by the private or state electricity industry. Likewise, families would protect themselves against:
- Any increase in the price of electricity.
- There would be a national saving in energy resources.
- State subsidies would be reduced to apply the capital in other sectors.
Acquisition ease
One of the main arguments for not purchasing a solar panel is its high price. This can range from $15,000 to $35,000. It depends on the type, power, and energy needs of the property. However, this is no longer a problem today. Various banking institutions offer their customers credit systems to buy panels.
Some of them use schemes with five-years-terms and amounts that reach up to 15 million pesos. It is in the case of products designed for small and medium-sized companies.
Another option is the financial ones, which offer terms of 3 to 48 months. Now, you even find companies that install panels in your home in exchange for rent. In theory, it is not a good idea to take out a loan if you want to pay less. However, what you will allocate to the loan will be almost the same as what you are charged for electricity today.
Change the planet’s future and make an economic upturn
If you plan to install solar panels in 2022 and don’t know if it’s worth it, here are some reasons to do it. There are economic, environmental, and social. Can continue with the traditional systems and pay the rates that the current market establishes or can try these systems that, in the long run, will reduce the amount of what you pay up to 70%.
Like any investment and technology, there are advantages and disadvantages. But with an initial step, you can change the planet’s future and your economy. The choice is yours.