It is increasingly common to find people who generate extra income working from home. The Internet hosts diverse options for those entrepreneurs who want to conduct paid activities in their free time. While website offers are increasing, the latest trend is to earn money by answering questions online.
We all dream about choosing our work schedules, offices, and pace. Today, the internet offers the possibility for that dream to come true. For this reason, here we bring you some options to choose which one best suit your interests.
Advantages of working through the internet
Opinions about technology mark a gap that has become more acute over the years. However, we show you the working and earning money online advantages.
- No initial investment, the sites send you surveys with questions to answer them. It is only necessary to register on their websites.
- The only requirement is a computer or cell phone with an internet connection.
- If you put your mind to it and dedicate enough time, you can earn between $600 and $2000 per month.
Companies that pay to fill out surveys
Paid surveys consist of online questionnaires that various companies devise. These companies hire people to answer the questions since they are agencies that deal with the valuations of certain brands and products. That is why the audience’s opinion is critical, and they offer rewards to those who comment with sincerity and accuracy.
It is not easy to choose the right website to work with. Especially since there are many options, and some are not dependable enough. Some promise large sums of money, and when it comes to paying, they scam you.
Therefore, it is always advisable to conduct a thorough investigation of the different companies. While we suggest you keep digging, here is a list of five sites that pay to answer questions online.
Lifepoints around the world
LifePoints offers the opportunity to work online. You must go to their website to register. In this way, you will become part of the company. Every time they assign you a survey, it will appear on the home page.
LifePoints renews its surveys constantly. It is how it offers the possibility for registered people to obtain daily profits. Although, if you are new, you will have blocked access to questionnaires.
Each quiz has points. Points are cumulative and redeemable. If you collect 2454 points, you will earn 100 Mexican pesos, 4913 to get $200, and 12279 to reach $500. LifePoints offers you the possibility of:
- Request earnings by PayPal.
- Redeem points for gifts.
- Donate remuneration to charity groups.
Marketagent: the experienced leader
This company is a pioneer in the world of surveys. It has two decades of experience in the field and has essential clients such as the classic commercial company Coca-Cola.
Marketagent may turn out to be more rigorous than the other companies. The site designates weekly surveys worth between 10 and 250 points each. Your profile must correspond to the questionnaire´s requested specifications to answer surveys. If you want to register, you can click here.
You can request your money when you have managed to collect 200 points. In this system, 100 points are equivalent to 20 Mexican pesos. What to do with the earnings? You may:
- Request earnings through PayPal.
- Donate it to an NGO.
TimeBucks understands youth
TimeBucks has a few years in the business. For this reason, it is considered one of the most modern and simple websites to perform questionnaires and surveys. The page offers the possibility of earning money by completing small tasks such as watching videos and producing photos and content. To be part of TimeBucks, you must register on its official page.
Before registering, we recommend you analyze if you can be an active worker since you must reach 200 Mexican pesos before each Thursday. On Thursdays, they only deposit the money through PayPal to people who have met the goal.
SurveyRewardz: An Option to Consider If You’re Short on Time.
SurveyRewardz is a desirable choice if you are busy and consider paid surveys as extra income. However, if you want most of your salary to come from answering questions online, we recommend choosing another option from the abovementioned ones. This warning is because the company only publishes a few surveys regularly.
If you register here, you will notice that the earnings are good. It is possible to win from $10 to $100. You can request your payments via PayPal. That way, you will have the money and can manage it as you want. If you think you can work for this company, go to their website for detailed information.
The Panel Station: thousands of associated consumers
This website has approximately five million people willing to pay for their reviews. The company prioritizes the comfort and safety of its employees. For this reason, once you enter, you can download an application that will facilitate the completion of the requested task.
Each survey is worth about 1,000 points, equivalent to 20 Mexican pesos. When the participant reaches 8,000 points, they can choose between the following:
- Receive the money through PayPal.
- Redeem it for rewards such as discounts or products on different websites.
Have you decided on a company?
Before choosing a website, consider which one suits your interests and needs. Enter the links provided for each website. There you will get information and register. Remember that you can unsubscribe from one or try another.