If you bought a car, we recommend you simulate online insurance for your vehicle. This way, you will know what type of protection against accidents or damages you can contract, how much it will cost and where to do it.
With this, you will avoid unnecessary risks, fulfill your obligations as a driver, and also be able to establish the quotas you want. All this comfortably, quickly, and without transfers, calls, or leaving home.
It would help if you had a computer with an adequate internet connection. Keep reading if you still need to learn how to run a simulation. We will explain everything you need to get instant cost estimates.
Think about this before simulating insurance
Before simulating insurance for your car, you should know that these products protect you against unforeseen expenses due to mishaps. But not only that, but they also generate other benefits.
In some countries, it is mandatory to have insurance to drive on federal roads or in certain states. Thus, by not having one, you run the risk of being fined for breaking traffic laws. Furthermore, if you crash, you will have to pay for the following damages:
- To your vehicle.
- To other units.
- To private or public property.
On the other hand, if you have an insurance contract, the company responsible will absorb the expenses generated by the incident. Some even cover losses due to theft and damage due to accidents, such as floods, hailstorms, or fires.
What factors influence its cost?
The companies that offer these products obey the law of supply and demand. They design specific products to meet customer needs and set their rates.
In addition, aspects such as the type of vehicle, brand, model, and use influence the insurance price. You also have to consider the type of coverage, the sum insured, and deductibles, whether a new, used, transport, or cargo car.
- Coverage. These are the risks to which your vehicle is exposed and covered by insurance.
- Sum assured. It is the maximum amount the company may pay you.
- Deductible. It is what you must pay in case of an accident.
Other aspects that modify the cost are the invoice value and commercial value. The first refers to the maximum amount the insurer will pay according to the price of your insurance bill. The second is what they pay you according to the commercial value of your automobile.
Main classes of coverage
In the country, dozens of companies and banks sell car insurance. It means that there is a great diversity of products. However, we may classify insurance into these categories: Civil Liability, Limited Coverage, and Broad Coverage.
Civil Liability. insurance pays for collisions that you cause to other cars, urban furniture, or injuries that third parties may face. It includes payment for medical treatment. However, it does not cover damages to your vehicle or injuries you or your companions suffered.
With Limited Coverage insurance, you will obtain the benefits of Civil Liability and the payment of medical expenses for you and your companions. This modality even includes funeral services and car theft. They can also replace the unit, give you a percentage of the car’s value, or provide road and legal assistance.
With Comprehensive Coverage, you acquire all the previous benefits and, in addition, the coverage of the damages to your automobile.
More benefits
Certain companies include other benefits in their policies. They emphasize the extension of civil liability. With this, they may protect you even when crashing another car than the one registered.
Some expand legal services, add towing or lodging, or may provide a provisional vehicle while they repair yours. Likewise, they may handle the loss of the car due to material damage suffered in accidents or natural disasters.
In addition, you can purchase additional services, including coverage for
- Accidental death.
- Medical expenses of occupants.
- Partial theft.
Now, thanks to the development of technologies, various companies can simulate insurance for your car. You can do it either through web pages or digital calculators.
Check the Condusef simulator
However, the best tools are those offered by institutional entities. For example, the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) simulator is an excellent tool for this research.
Through it, you can check different insurance online options. There are three ways to do this. By car type, preferred insurer, or budget. If you want to do it by car class, enter the simulator and enter data:
- Model, brand, sub-brand, and version of the car.
- Driver’s age and zip code.
- Then click on “Continue.”
The platform will deploy Civil Liability plans and limited or extended coverage. Click on “Compare.” The names of the companies, the coverage they offer, and their maximum amounts will appear, as well as the insurance cost.
Other query alternatives
If you want to consult the By insurer option in the Condusef simulator, do the following. Previously choose the company that interests you, and enter the car’s and driver’s data. Then repeat the steps used for the By Car procedure.
If you want to do a By Budget calculation, enter the amount you can pay per year. The tool will display the options and plans offered by insurers inside the budget. Enter the data required for the two previous query types and repeat the process.
In the simulator, you can print the results or make a new comparison between the different plans. Alternatively, you can click the “Here” button to visit the companies’ websites. In this way, you will also access the contact telephone numbers.
Simulating insurance online is easy, fast, and practical. You must have vehicle data and know what type of insurance you are interested in. The rest is to connect to the internet and click. Find out your insurance costs.