Best Personal Loan Providers in 2022

You must have the best personal loan providers to solve any need. Thanks to these, you can also achieve the economic goals you have in mind. There are many reasons why applying for a loan is a necessity for an individual or even a family.

You must meet each of the requirements to apply to one of them. Also, depending on the loan provider, the requirements may vary in a few or even most things. In this article, we will take care of showing you the best providers that are available in 2022.

So, you can choose the ones you like the most or that suit your needs. We will show you options available for both the United States and Mexico. Do not miss it and know the best options within this market.

Meet the best personal loan providers

To have the best personal loan providers, you must know certain aspects. One of them is to establish a budget before requesting since the time to pay will depend on this. In addition to this, you must meet all the requirements to be able to apply and then wait for it to approve. Below we will show the best providers you can find.


Kubofinanciero is one of the facilities that you can request from your application. It is an online process you will not need any type of displacement to have the money. It has a fixed rate that presents annually and can vary between 16.5% and 70.4%.

The company can give you up to one hundred thousand pesos for a personal loan that you request. Besides giving personal loans, you can also make long-term investments in KuboFinanciero.

Camino Financial

Camino Financial is one of the best funding providers in the United States. It can offer between $1,500 and $7,500 to expend per month. Regarding the use that you are going to give to the money, there are flexibilities that you have requested.

In addition, one advantage it offers is being able to help Latinos who are in the United States. Remuneration periods can range from 12 to 36 months, depending on users’ needs.


If you are looking for a personal loan with a car, mortgage, or even payroll guarantee, Creditas is the ideal one. It is one of the providers with the most reliable processes within Mexico for both parties.

You can also conduct safe operations with up to 50% of the value of your assets. According to your needs and preferences, this may be an excellent choice for you. Creditas services will fit you.


Oportun provides can range from $300 to even $10,000. Among its advantages are to allow borrowers who do not have Social Security or even a Taxpayer Identification Number. It also allows the Latino community within the United States to benefit from its services.

In the case of payments, they can range from 6 to 46 months with fixed terms. If you have an emergency, you will be able to solve it quickly online, so it is an excellent option.

Doopla Loans

Doopla Loans allows users to see a table that compares them with other financial institutions. In this way, you will be able to know if it is a good option according to the situation you have.

The platform is responsible for analyzing your information and thus knowing if investors approve your loan. The amounts that you can request reach up to two hundred thousand Mexican pesos.

OneMain Financial

If you are a user who only has an ITIN within the United States, OneMain Financial will be your ideal provider. With this company, you can get from 1500 to 20 thousand dollars in loans. The terms can reach 60 months if necessary, and you can pay with TDC for more comfort. Per year, interest can range between 18% and 35.99%.


The variety of terms and amounts that Credit offers is remarkable. They can pay the loan early without penalty to save interest. It is an option that very few providers offer and, if you have a good record on their platform, the loans will be expedited.


Solidity is important when you request credit, especially if they are long-term credit. In this case, SoFi is a reliable resource that you can pay for up to 6 years. The maximum amount requested is one hundred thousand dollars with an interest of up to 18.72% per year.

Also, if you need to pay a large debt or cover a large expense, this is an excellent option for you to choose. Soi is an excellent choice for you to consider for the future.


Credilikeme has a wide reputation for helping more than 2 thousand users. The amounts requested can reach 18 thousand Mexican pesos, all through your application. The products it offers are efficient, and the ability to pay is comfortable for the users. A good option is to have a loan within Mexico.

Citizens Bank

We have reached the end of the options for 2022 with Citizens Bank, which can give you between 2 thousand and 50 thousand dollars. The important thing is to reach a score of 680 to be approved according to the company’s criteria.

In Citizens Bank, payment terms can be up to 72 months if necessary. On the other hand, interest rates do not exceed 21% annually. Depending on your needs, this service can fit you.

Contact the best personal loan providers

If you are looking for the best personal loan providers, review each of the options we have given you. With them, you will be able to know distinct characteristics and requirements to be approved.

In this way, you will receive the help you need to solve the economic situation where you find yourself. They are safe and reliable options on the market that can be extremely helpful.

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