Technology is present in everything. Are you thinking of digitizing your business and don’t know where to start? Do you have many tools at your fingertips and have no idea how to start using them?
Among these tools are social networks, web pages, and digital stores. We observe them daily and see how many entrepreneurs manage to grow and have thousands of followers.
If you want to digitize your business and get the most out of all these tools, keep reading. We will tell you how to put together a strategy to plunge your company fully into the digital age.
Our 6 tips for digitizing your business
We will give you some tips to digitize your business so you can start seeing your company grow from another side. Why do we say from another side? Because in the virtual world, “likes” or interactions have immense value. Even negative comments are valuable because they give you a chance to respond. And if that answer is satisfactory, you will have established a link with that user.
That’s exactly what the digital age is all about, generating a bond with your consumer. They must feel an important part of your company, and, for this reason, you take their comments seriously and respond to them. Let’s see the six tips to achieve this effect.
Know your company
You must know your business very well to take it to the digital world. Know our strengths and weaknesses, our opportunity areas, and what could be a threat.
This analysis, known as SWOT in marketing, is the beginning of the strategy. It should also be clear what it does to the business itself. Analyze the productive capacity and the raw material necessary to meet the demand.
All this information is necessary to dump in a document. Although its development seems complex, it is not. You already have a business set up in the real world, just must analyze it thoroughly.
Distinguish your target market
Understanding your audience is another fundamental point. It is about satisfying their needs, but for that, you must know who the best consumer of your product or service is.
You must determine:
- Age
- Sex
- Socioeconomic level
- Preferences
- Geographic location
The more you know your audience, the more easily you can meet their needs. To this list you can add any data that will help you to know more:
- Are you a buyer?
- Do you need extra information?
- Is the one who decides on the purchase?
You also need to know what your preferred communication channels are, and how you acquire the information you need.
Learn about digital channels
Another tip to digitize your business is not to get carried away with all the technology. It is necessary to be selective. There are many digital channels, but that does not mean that our target audience will choose anyone. Some of the ways that exist to contact the potential client are:
- Web page
- Email marketing
- Social networks
- Online stores
Although there are only four alternatives, each of them opens endless possibilities. There is one that is the first to which you should pay attention. It is your company website.
In it, you must dump the corporate identity. The logo, the company colors, texts, and any element that makes it distinguishable. From it and the information collected about your consumer, you will select the rest of the channels.
Think and create suitable content
All these channels mentioned above are nourished by the content that we add to them. It must be content designed based on the information you have analyzed about your company and your audience.
It is not about posting everywhere or writing extensive notes on a blog. It is essential to give the user valuable content. The reader must perceive that he benefits from that information.
On the other hand, if Google does not find you, it will be difficult for anyone who browses the Internet. There are SEO and SEM techniques that will help you get that content to the right reader.
Determine how you will be paid
In the digital world, it is necessary to avoid user frustration. There should be no obstacles on the path he travels. Imagine that you searched for information, found it, and liked it, but when paying, the means of payment you need is not there.
The recommendation is to stock up on as many payment methods as possible. Today there are multiple ways for the user to make their purchase extremely secure and with authentication factors.
The latter is one of the many alternatives on the market. Its purpose is to give security to the user about the transactions conducted on your website or e-commerce. That is a crucial fact in the process for digitize your business.
Seek professional help
Although no one knows a company better than its owner, the digital age has professionals for each area. You do not need to hire fresh staff to conduct your strategy. Many of these professionals work on their own and are called upon when you have a specific need. The digital world is nourished by:
- Designers
- Editors
- Programmers
- Community Manager
The latter can help you manage social networks and choose the most appropriate for your business. Developers will be able to make the website viewable correctly on a mobile. Designers specialize in various areas, such as:
- Web design
- Design of email campaigns
- Newsletter design
- Design of online stores
It means that you do not need to make a landing in the digital world altogether and at the same time. You can go from the most important (the website) to the least essential. Always looking at your company characteristics.
It’s a new age
We are facing a new era for companies. It changed the way of communicating and contacting its clients. The tools and paths changed. Digitizing your business is imperative if you don’t want to be left out of the market. With these tips that we have given you, you can do it without losing your way.
The last piece of advice is just not to get pointlessly excited about all these tools. It is necessary to go little by little and analyze the response of your clients. Let’s not forget that the goal is always to sell.